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Mobile-friendly Sites are a Competitive Advantage – Do You Have One?

The mobile revolution is no longer happening – it’s over. Done, settled. As of November 2016,  mobile has surpassed desktop internet usage and that trend has not slowed down.  

by Jim Prothe | @jimprothe

The mobile revolution is no longer happening – it’s over. Done, settled. As of November 2016, mobile has surpassed desktop internet usage and that trend has not slowed down. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) professionals have been talking about the importance of a good mobile experience for years, especially since Google rewards sites that do exactly that.

Why does Google reward mobile so much? Because their business is all about providing accurate results to its users regardless of what device they’re on. And those users are all on mobile! In order to  help businesses get found on mobile devices, Google has created some tools like their Mobile-Friendly Test and their Search Console that even delivers a mobile usability report which  will tell you how well or poorly you serve your mobile customers.

The Search Console goes fairly deep and looks at:

  • Flash usage
  • Viewport configuration
  • Fixed-width viewport
  • Content not sized to viewport
  • Font scaling
  • Touch element placement
  • Interstitial usage

I Tried Those Tools. What if my Site Stinks?

The good news: not a lot of your competitors have perfected the mobile experiences yet, so it’s often a level playing field. For now.

The bad news: some of those competitors are getting smart and using a great mobile experience as a competitive advantage – over you!

We’ve shown you a couple of easy to use, free webmaster tools to show you how your site currently performs, but what do you do now? If you’ve got a full development team in house, it may be something your teams can tackle internally. However, making a website truly shine from an SEO perspective requires a very specific skillset and not many organizations have that available.

Hiring a Professional May be Right For You

In the very common case that your organization is not deep on SEO or advanced mobile website development, it may be best for you to bring in a pro. Magenium Solutions has that talent in-house and we’ve got serious Google certifications including:

  • Mobile Sites
  • Google Analytics IQ
  • Shopping
  • Video Ads
  • Search Advertising

Magenium Solutions Specialized in Search Ads



Are you ready to  strengthen your SEO rankings and beat your competition? Contact us today and we can walk you through what it takes to generate business with mobile customers. 


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