Customer Relationship Management helps you grow your business
Whatever the size of your business, the best Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can help you more effectively market your products or services to customers, track and grow your sales pipeline, and provide even better customer service.
Whatever the size of your business, the best Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can help you more effectively market your products or services to customers, track and grow your sales pipeline, and provide even better customer service.
Our CRM Services include:
CRM Software Selection
If you are looking for a new CRM system, or replacing an aging system, you need to be confident that the choice you make is the right one for your business. Software selection is one of the most important, expensive and time-consuming decisions you can make, and the wrong decision can be costly. Magenium Solutions represents the leading CRM software solutions, putting us in a unique position to assist with software selection and determine which package is best suited to your needs.
CRM Implementation Services
We implement CRM systems for customers in wide variety of industries. We work closely with you to design a system that works within your business processes. Sometimes this is quite straightforward, and sometimes it requires customization. In either scenario, we pledge to complete the project on-time and on-budget.
CRM Training & Support
After a CRM implementation is complete, we don’t just walk away. We provide additional value by offering on-site training classes, video training, and webinar sessions, plus ongoing support options. We take steps to ensure your entire team is familiar with and excited about your new system. User adoption is a very important aspect of the project.
We leverage the xRM or “anything Relationship Management” framework to extend the IT investments our customers have already made. Diversifying the use of CRM makes solid business sense, lowers IT costs, and increases productivity throughout the organization.
Try Before You Buy!
If you are not sure what you need then how about trying the Microsoft Dynamics free trial? It’s super easy to setup and there is no payment information or software installation. We would be glad to help you.
Try the Dynamics CRM Trial subscription -This trial invitation includes: – 25 user licenses Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Enterprise Trial and – Delegated administration.
Try the PowerBI for Office 365 Trial This trial invitation includes: – 25 user licenses Power BI for Office 365 Trial and – Delegated administration
If you are unsure what you need we are glad to help. Contact Magenium today for a demo, a free trial, or even if you just have a question.