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Can Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 simplify employee status control?

MIM provides identity data management,synchronization, authentication and authorization workflows.

Today, every change in employee status requires involvement by IT. New hires need access to be granted to the data and apps they need to do their jobs. Separations require access revocation and security changes. Job moves mean shifting status and access changes from one group to another.

Identity management solutions help shift that responsibility away from IT. These solutions often place employee status changes back in the hands of those tied most closely to them — HR and sometimes even the employees themselves. Additionally, it provides tighter security and access control measures over the daily tasks of employees. 

Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) 2016 is the newest version of this product. It is part of Microsoft’s Identity and Access management (IAM) suite. MIM replaces Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) 2010 R2.

MIM allows admins to synch identities directly to the cloud. The tool provides identity data management and synchronization, as well as authentication and authorization workflows. There is also a self-service component to MIM. It allows identity management capabilities for end-users. This ability aids in self-service group, credential, and certificate management.

Another feature added to this version of MIM is Privileged Identity Management. This feature controls and manages admin access. It does this by giving only temporary and task-based access to a user when the user attempts to access sensitive resources inside the enterprise. This effectively shuts a gateway that many hackers try to exploit through standard admin access.

As a Microsoft Partner, Magenium can help you implement MIM as part of your enterprise identity management solution. Please contact us or call +1.630.786.5900 to ask about MIM.

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